Mastering Interpersonal Competence

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Course curriculum

    1. How to Get the Most Out of the Course

    2. About the Trainer

    3. Course Objectives

    4. Course Objectives cont'd

    5. Additional Resoources

    1. Lesson 1

    2. Motivation for the Pursuit of Interpersonal Competence

    3. The Theological Motivation for the Pursuit of Interpersonal Comeptence

    4. "Connecting with the Heart of God"

    5. “Connecting with the Heart of God”

    6. The Sociological Motivation for the Pursuit of Interpersonal Competence

    7. The Personal Motivation for the Pursuit of Interpersonal Competence

    8. "Top 3 & ME"

    9. Quiz: Lesson 1

    10. Resources for Further Study

    1. Lesson 2

    2. Video

    3. Theresa and Abigail

    4. Point of Reflection: The Cause of Cultural/Value Differences

    5. Video

    6. Tinted Lenses

    7. Culture

    8. Video

    9. Development of Individual Values and Group Culture

    10. Views of Culture

    11. When Cultures Collide

    12. This Is Me

    13. This is Me Exercise

    14. Quiz: Lesson 2

    15. Resources for Further Study

    16. “A Biblical and Cultural Study of the Problem of Racism”: Bibliothecra Sacra/Dallas Theological Seminary January 1996 Author: Larry Mercer

    1. Lesson 4

    2. Video

    3. Incorrect View of Culture

    4. Video

    5. More on Incorrect Views of Culture

    6. A Correct Perspective On Culture & Personal Values

    7. The Measure for Cultural Viewpoints

    8. Video

    9. Correct Viewpoint On Culture & Personal Values

    10. Video

    11. Faith-Based Interpersonal Competence

    12. Video

    13. The Personal Progression to Interpersonal Competence

    14. Video

    15. The Key to Fostering Transformational Conversations

    16. Intentionally Reduce Tinted Lenses

    17. Quiz: Lesson 4

    18. Resources for Further Study

    19. Communication Patterns of Different Cultural Groups

    1. Lesson 5

    2. What Are Emotions?

    3. Watch: IQ vs. EQ

    4. Basic Emotions

    5. What Is Emotional Intelligence

    6. The Theology of Emotional Intelligence

    7. Video

    8. Four Key Domains of Emotional Intelligence

    9. Divinely Designed

    10. Video

    11. Interoception

    12. Video

    13. Effects of Interoception

    14. Faith-Based Emotional Intelligence & Interoception

    15. My Triggers Activity

    16. My Triggers

    17. Quiz: Lesson 5

    18. Resources for Further Study

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 121 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Senior Instructor Larry Mercer

Bio Dr. Larry A. Mercer Dr. Mercer earned a BA in Psychology from East Carolina University, and Masters of Theology and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Dallas Seminary. He has over thirty-seven years of experience in diverse settings including: the local church, early childhood education, elementary education, middle school education, high school education, a juvenile institution and the adult prison system. He has provided executive leadership with a broadcasting network, a publishing company, higher education institutions, retail, and non-profit organizations. He has taught in four higher education institutions. He earned certifications in Instructional Design, Knowledge Management, Strategic Planning, Training Management, Mediation and Coaching. His ministry has taken him across the United States, Africa, Europe, Israel, Jamaica, and Latin America. He is a Fellow in Huntington University’s Center for Leadership and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for LeTourneau University. He is an Executive Coach and serves churches, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations. He and his wife Annie have been married for 39 years and have four adult children. SELECTED PUBLISHED WORKS AND PRESENTATIONS RELATED TO THE TOPIC OF RACE Learning To See Beyond Black And White. Dallas Theological Seminary Lay-Institute, Dallas, Texas, (1993) Mercer, Larry A. “A Biblical and Cultural Study of the Problem of Racism.” Bibliotheca Sacra 153 (January-March, 1996): 87-103, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1996. Foundations Of Culturally Sensitive Ministry. Buckner Baptist Benevolence Senior Cabinet Retreat, Dallas, Texas, (1998) Mercer, Larry A. “Dismantling Class Barriers: Can the Church Avoid Wealth-based Prejudice?” From Building Unity in the Church. General Editor: Dwight Perry. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2002. Faith-based Cultural Competence. LeTourneau University Faculty Workshop, (August 2003) Faith-based Cultural Competence. LeTourneau University Student Leadership Seminar, (August 2003) Faith-based Cultural Competence. Noel Levitz National Conference on Recruiting and Retention, Chicago Illinois (July 2008) Building Culturally Relevant Student Services. The Association of Biblical Higher Education Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida (February 2010) Breaking Down Racial Barriers. Dallas Theological Seminary, Martin Luther King Day, Student Brown Bag Luncheon, Dallas, Texas (January 2012) Unfinished Work of Race & Ethnicity: Panel Participant at Council of Christian Colleges & Universities President’s Conference, Washington, DC. (January 2017) Mastering Interpersonal Competence. 2017 Community Gathering, Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, Michigan (August 2017)

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